开幕式时间: 2008年3月8日 下午三点
展览时间: 2008年3月8日至4月6日
展览地点: 北京新时代画廊
E-mail:newage4355@yahoo.com.cn , newagegallery@gmail.com
艺术家采用一种图腾似的语言符号,带有东方 “冥想” 的观念抒写。以神秘奥妙的宇宙运行律动,来探索宇宙与自然、自然与人的连续因果关系。神秘奥妙的宇宙运行律动,化合出自然与时间、时间与空间、天与人、人与地,周而复始,生生不息。体现着“天人合一”的宇宙观与价值观。
Mysterious Rhythm
Zhang Yongzheng Solo Exhibition
Opening: 2008.3.8 3:00pm
Date: 2008.3.8-4.6
Venue: New Age Gallery, 8502#,D09 Area, 798 Zhong Er St., No.4 Jiu Xian Qiao Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing. PC: 100015
E-mail:newage4355@yahoo.com.cn , newagegallery@gmail.com
Having been devoted into discovering and bringing forth new contemporary artists, Beijing New Age Gallery will hold Zhang Yongzheng’s Solo Exhibition on March 8th, 2008.
The theme of this exhibition is “Mysterious Rhythm”. “Mysterious” means mystical, profound and difficult to express in words; “Rhythm” means the rhythmic move of lines, suggesting the continuous living strength of the universe, the nature and the human being. The Mysterious Rhythm refers to the mysterious movement of life, and its characteristic is to draw freely in the calligraphic way with colors of the “five elements”. It brings everything into Chinese traditional philosophical perspective, and presents an artistic world in which the “Yin” and the “Yang” of Chinese cosmology, the earth and the heaven, the spirit and the universe are interactive and active and move in a rhythmic way. It shows the thoughts of the artist which trace to the source of his own national culture, and the ultimate care for the existence of man and the harmonious society of today.