Inner Journey Didier Scuderoni Art Exhibition
南京艺术学院校董 杨佴旻博士
6月6日,“内心之旅——迪迪埃(Didier Scuderoni)艺术展”将在芜湖市美术馆举行,这是迪迪埃(Didier Scuderoni)在中国的第四次个展。
迪迪埃(Didier Scuderoni)出生在法国阿尔卑斯山的普里瓦(Privas),成年后他在地中海沿岸生活与创作,他是一位涉猎广泛的艺术家:绘画、雕塑、壁画以及舞台美术等,特别是绘画,这次“内心之旅”是他近年创作的丙烯画和雕塑,共四十余件。当代法国艺术,地中海滨的艺术家扮演着非常重要的角色,他们不仅深受法国艺术传统的影响,同时也受到了来自北非和地中海地区的多元文化艺术的启发。
这次展览将通过迪迪埃(Didier Scuderoni)的最新创作,让中国观者更多的了解和欣赏他独特的艺术风格和创作理念,了解一位当代法国艺术家的形式表达。在这次展览中,他通过自然和动植物的微观细节来表达他对生命关注。他的丙烯画通常采用鲜艳的色彩和流畅的笔触,他恣意的挥洒使人想到中国绘画的大写意。他的作品主题涉及到了自然、人类和社会等多个方面,例如海洋、动物、城市景观等。迪迪埃(Didier Scuderoni)的雕塑通常是超现实的,他特别注重材料的选择和处理,他通过抽象的形状和线条,传达出对于自然和人类之间关系的思考和形式探索。
在这次展览中,迪迪埃也将展示他关于生命,性和无限不朽的思考。他通过对于自然和人类躯体的绘画和雕塑,来表达他对于性的理解和认知。而对于无限不朽的探讨,则是他对于自己提出的问题,他在通过自己的艺术作品来探索这个问题的答案。迪迪埃(Didier Scuderoni)的艺术让观者能够深入地了解和感受他的艺术特质和创作风格。我为其归纳为以下几点:1. 微观和宏观的对比:迪迪埃(Didier Scuderoni)将身体里的微观生命和宇宙中的宏观世界作比较,通过这种对比来探索生命的本质和意义;2. 连接和循环:迪迪埃(Didier Scuderoni)的作品常常运用大量的线条和几何形状,表达出生命之间的连接和延续。他认为生命之间是相互关联和相互影响的,而这种关联和影响又是无限的;3. 超现象和能量:迪迪埃(Didier Scuderoni)的作品通常涉及到超现象和能量的流动。他认为生命是一种信息流和能量的交互和过程,让人感觉到生命在不断地流动和变化。
迪迪埃(Didier Scuderoni)的艺术抽象和具象并存,他通过自己的艺术实践来表达对于生命主题的思考和形式探索,创造出一种充满生命力和运动感的作品效果。同时,他也希望通过自己的艺术创作来召唤人们对于生命、宇宙的思考与关注。

Didier Scuderoni au musée Changliu (Taiwan) avec Odile Guichard, directrice du musée
迪迪埃(Didier Scuderoni)在昌流博物馆(台湾)与吴浪博物馆馆长合照

Travail de repérage au Caylar, dans le plateau du Larzac
Inner journey - Didier Scuderoni
Art Exhibition
Dr. Yang Ermin
Translator:Wei Yu
The "Inner journey - Didier Scuderoni Art Exhibition" will be held at the Wuhu Art Museum on June 6th, which is Didier's third personal exhibition in China. Didier Scuderoni was born in Privas in the Alps and since his adult life he has been living and creating on the Mediterranean coast. The artist is involved in a wide variety of disciplines: painting, sculpture, fresco and theater art, especially painting. This " Inner journey " is a collection of more than forty acrylic paintings and sculptures he has created in recent years. The artists of the Mediterranean coast play a very important role in contemporary French art, not only influenced by the French artistic tradition, but also inspired by the multicultural art of North Africa and the Mediterranean region.
This time, the exhibition will bring Chinese viewers to further understand and appreciate Didier's unique artistic style and creative philosophy through his latest creations, and to discover the formal expression of a contemporary French artist. In this exhibition, he expresses his concern for life through the microscopic details of nature as well as plants and animals. His Acrylic paintings are often painted in vibrant colors and fluid brushstrokes, and his unbridled volubility is reminiscent of Impeessionistic Painting Style of China. The subjects of his works cover a wide range of natural, human and social aspects, such as the sea, animals, urban landscapes, etc. Didier's sculptures are often surreal, with a particular focus on the choice and handling of materials, these abstract shapes and lines convey a reflection and formal exploration of the relationship between nature and human.
Also in this exhibition, Didier will present his thoughts on life, sex and infinite immortality. He expresses his understanding and cognition of sex through his paintings and sculptures of nature and the human body. The discussion of infinite immortality is a question that he asks himself, and he is exploring the answer to this question through his artworks. Didier's art enables the viewer to deeply understand and feel his artistic characteristics and creative style. I summarize it into the following points. 1. Contrast between micro and macro: Didier compares the microscopic life in the body with the macroscopic world in the universe to explore the essence and meaning of life; 2. Connection and cycle: Didier's works often use a lot of lines and geometric shapes to represent the connection and continuity of life. He believes that life is interconnected and mutually influential, and that these connections and influences are infinite; 3. Superphenomena and energy: his works usually involve superphenomena and the flow of energy. He believes that life is an interaction and process of information flow and energy, which makes people feel that life is constantly flowing and changing.
Didier Scuderoni's art is the coexistence of abstraction and representation. He expresses his thinking and form exploration on the theme of life through his own artistic practice, creating an effect full of vitality and movement. At the same time, he hopes to evoke people's reflection and attention to life and the universe through his artistic creations.
Sunday, May 21, 2023

骨头 95x75cm 纸上丙烯画(2023)
Os 95×75cm Acrylique sur papier (2023)

断开 95x75cm 纸上丙烯画 (2023)
Déconnection 95×75cm Acrylique sur papier (2023)

生命能源 70x95cm 纸上丙烯画 (2023)
Energie vital 70×95cm Acrylique sur papier (2023)

这个想法 75x95cm 纸上丙烯画 (2023)
l'idée 75×95cm Acrylique sur papier (2023)

不对称的双联画 60x45cm×2 纸上丙烯画 (2019)
Diptyque dissymétrique 60x45cm×2 Acrylique sur papier (2019)

蓟门之魂 41x60cm 纸上丙烯画 (2019)
L’esprit du chardon 41×60cm Acrylique sur papier (2019)

生命的气息 68x45cm 纸上丙烯画 (2022)
Souffle de vie 45×68cm Acrylique sur papier (2022)

微观世界 46x68cm 纸上丙烯画 (2021)
Microcosme 46×68cm Acrylique sur papier (2021)

冬季 50x70cm 纸上丙烯画 (2018)
Winter 50×70cm Acrylique sur papier (2018)

激发 41x76cm 纸上丙烯画 (2022)
Stimulation 41×76cm Acrylique sur papier (2022)

植物循环 36x78cm 纸上丙烯画 (2022)
Circulation végétale
36×78cm Acrylique sur papier (2022)

内部循环 35x58cm 纸上丙烯画 (2021)
Circulation interne 35×58cm Acrylique sur papier (2021)

反思 46x64cm 纸上丙烯画 (2020)
Reflet 46×64cm Acrylique sur papier (2020)